Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Master or Slave

Being a master of your life is a path full of self-inflicted restrictions & self caused pain . It is so easier to be a slave because then you can cry as much as you can & blame others for it. But for a master, pain leads not to crying but finding a solution or retreat from the cause of pain. This can mean going through a greater pain at that moment because such are the wonders of human life that so often we fall in love with comfort even if it means comfort of being with the cause of pain.

Master or slave.. sometimes its a matter of choice, sometimes a matter of survival.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

You'll be there..always

Sometimes in the form of a tear in eyes
Sometimes as a smile on lips
Sometimes like a heart-burn
and sometimes as an ache of desire
You'll always be there in my life.
'cos I loved you, cos I worshipped you
cos I adored you and cos i missed you so much!
You'll always be there like a b'ful memory,
Which I thought was an awesome truth of my life.
You'll always be there like an ugly lie,
Which God rescued me from at last....

If its my life

Written on way back to Gurgaon from Chd:

If its my life, it has to have a twist (good or bad)
If its my life, a smooth fast highway will come to a dead end
If its my life, the same dead end will force me to look for a waterfall
a waterfall, which will quench my thirst
a thirst , which was slowly killing me while I was engrossed in the thrilling highway ride
so you see, everything will complete the bigger picture in the end
In the end, the puzzle will be solved but.. with  a twist
And thats what is the spice of my life!