Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Kabhi kabhi mere dil mein khyaal aata hai

There are two types of desires in our lives : one, are the dreams which we day dream of or fantasize about : like getting fame, leading a happy life with the person we think we can be happy with but may or may not be presently, finding loads of money all of a sudden, getting rid of pimples some day, etc. and second are the wishes which our heart makes once in a while, out of shear pain, desperation, love or need: like finding peace in life, being with people who actually love you in real, reaching a level in life which you so so much know you deserve, etc.

I had read somewhere 'God gives you what you need and not something that you think you need', and today I feel there are very very good chances of this being true. One may feel the grief of losing someone they wanted, but who knows how important it was to lose that person to finally be with someone who will actually know how to respond to your love. One may feel sad on missing admission to an esteemed engineering college,but who knows how important it was so that you don't become one of the stereotypes typical of that college, rather nurture your true personality and be a revolutionary thinker in future.

I have been through situations and still am going through a few, where 'the end' seemed so near, there was nothing but a faint picture of an uncertain future, all theories developed over time were going wrong one by one and I had numerous questions but hardly any answers. But its very well said that 'let time do certain things'. Life has many times pleasantly surprised me after small successes and big setbacks! The time only shows: how out of old junk of perceptions emerges a new reality and that if you are a man/ woman of will-power, how the harder you are pushed down, the stronger you emerge.

So all I have learnt is :
Follow the guiding light, accept hurdles and face them as part of the process to make you worthy of achieving your ultimate aim. Let no one make you doubt what you can be and will be in future, because what you strongly wish to be is what you CAN be. And for what you follow the process of trying , failing again and again , still living  and then finally succeeding is what you WILL be!

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