Thursday, February 4, 2010

Savoring the present

Present is the PRESENT from God.. How many times I have heard it and tried to feel it at that very moment! But could hardly ever! Guess what.. sometimes it takes a killing combination of cold, sore throat, cough and fever to make me sit and live in only present. So from last 2 days I am having a rest period where I don't expect the professors to expect any class preparation from me, where the sole aim of my life is to lie on bed and have warm water and some medicines and catch up several seasons on my laptop :)

Do we need a reason to spend some hours out of our years of living (or should be vice-versa, to live some hours out of our years of spending life) , in a guilt-free relaxed way? Yes, I can say I am not the kind of person who is ambitiously pursuing a mad race. I think I am doing things which I want to do and which I feel add to my personal satisfaction of growing in life but I must admit that in order to be allowed to do those things too, I have to fulfill many duties. And in this rush, so many moments just pass by. I see so many smiles getting burdened under tense eyebrows, so many claps getting muffled to little whispers and so many possible warm hugs getting reduced to a long distance 'Hi'. 

Yeah, the work is important , motivating and blah blah and yes peace is the core of our souls which we are losing but where will this tussle finally find a solution? we want to work for our goals and we want to achieve those goals for the aim of gaining peace in the end and in this process what we are doing is just the opposite of our ultimate goal! And are we sure we gonna finally rest in peace? because if yes, then sure we should carry on this way but if there is even a minute doubt then we need to pause and think hard. 

I am not going to start over with the elaborate thoughts that have been poured over this issue by many. I believe its to each his own. Find your way of LIVING. I am sitting and thinking over mine :) Cheers!  

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