Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Part n parcel of being in Hogwarts

With the LKP lawns surrounded by three giant walls , facing the tower ground with lush tree and numerous small birds hovering up in the sky, IIMA has at times given me a glimpse of the Hogwarts School of Harry Potter. And today , I saw another similarity. The loneliness arising out of : well thought of but unattempted CPs, the realisation  of how poor the CG is turning out to be through frequent mentions by people around , sudden quiz which goes bad inspite of preparing hard in 45 mins between lunch and 2:30pm, a missed REM , self questioning about "is the way I chose to live my life here right?"  etc etc., loomed like a dementor. The cold sad feeling kept sinking in and pushed me to brood over the worst happenings in life that I have been trying hard to forget from last couple of months.

I came out for dinner and to have a fresh breath of air. A coffee and little chat was another attempt to dispel the gloom. My best friend raised a nice question " How will we stay happy if we both get sad at the same time?". Quite right. She had worries of her own.

Yeah, in the end it all turned kinda well when I finally had glimpse of my wonderful friends coming online. Their presence itself felt so comforting. I didn't know this was what I all needed to smile :) . Friends are the ultimate lifeline who pull me back to life again and again and again....

1 comment:

pallavi said...

On the way u r moving is the only right path...friends are the one who'll support you but ultimate decision will always be yours....i as a friend promise you to make u smile even if m sad..